今日の日は present  345


ガン患者 どこまで治療?


また、(年齢的にも)「5年以上の生存率がひくくなること」、そして、「患者のQOL :quality of life(生命の威厳?)」を重視しがちなこと。


Japan 5-Year Cancer Survival Rate at 65.2 Pct
The five-year survival rate of cancer patients in Japan stands at 65.2 pct, the National Cancer Center said in a survey report on Wednesday.
 (Jiji Press : 8/9)

Hospitals found to be less likely to give elderly cancer patients aggressive care
 The proportion of cancer patients who do not undergo aggressive care exceeded 60 percent for a particular type of the disease among those aged 85 or older in the most advanced stage of their ailment, according to data released by the National Cancer Center on Wednesday.

 Against a backdrop of elderly people making up an increasing share of cancer patients, the medical institutions are believed to have prioritized the patients’ quality of life, based on the fact that a complete cure is difficult for aged patients at this stage of cancer, and the low five-year survival rates for some cancers.

The government plans to advance research regarding treatments for the elderly patients with the aim of helping them make the best choice.
 (Japan News : 8/9)