今日の日は present  345


空飛ぶクルマ 間もなく「離陸」?


Japan aims high to have flying cars hit the skies in the 2020s
The government is set to draw up a road map for commercializing flying cars by the 2020s in a public-private council later this year, with the aim of engaging in full-throttle discussions on technological development and safety measures for next-generation vehicles.

As of now, there is no clear definition of flying cars, with such vehicles hovering somewhere between helicopters and drones. It is envisaged that flying cars will take off and land vertically with their propellers rotated by battery-powered motors. Blueprints for a variety of flying vehicles are available, with their speeds ranging from 100 kilometers to several hundred kilometers per hour and most employing auto-piloting techniques.
 (Mainichi : 8/25)