今日の日は present  345


経済成長 外国人頼み ?



340,000 foreigners may flow into Japan in 5 years under new visa system
 Between 260,000 and 340,000 foreign workers are estimated to flow into Japan in the five years from next April through an envisioned immigration control law revision aimed at dealing with the country's serious labor crunch, government sources said Tuesday.

 The estimate was unofficially made available as opposition parties are criticizing the government for hastily moving ahead to pass the bill to revise the law without disclosing details, such as how many workers would be accepted and in which sectors.

  According to the sources, the government is expecting a labor shortage of around 1.30 million to 1.35 million workers in the five-year period. For the fiscal year from April 2019 alone, it expects to accept about 33,000 to 47,000 foreign workers for an estimated shortage of more than 600,000 laborers.
 (Japan Today : 11/15)