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時速360キロ 2030年JR東日本


・・・・・「そんなに急いでどこへ行く」の思いとともに、高齢者がフトコロを気にせず、"Discover Japan”を楽しめるように、在

A rendering of the two test models. (Image courtesy of East Japan Railway) JR東日本が導入する新たな新幹線の試験車両のイメージ

JR East seeks to unleash faster bullet train by 2030
 TOKYO -- JR East will develop a new bullet train that can reach speeds up to 360kph, with plans to put the faster model into action by fiscal 2030 in conjunction with extended service, the company announced Tuesday.

 This project is expected to cost 10 billion yen ($88.3 million), including test runs of the new cars. Tokyo-based JR East aims to develop two test models by the spring of 2019, one of which will be chosen to begin operations by fiscal 2030, when the extension of the Hokkaido Shinkansen bullet train line is set to open on Japan's northernmost main island. Today's bullet trains reach speeds of up to 320kph.

Plans for a 360kph train were initially disclosed in fiscal 2012. JR East sees a need for faster trains, given the length of travel on the extended line to Hokkaido.
(Nikkei : 7/5)