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平気でウソを書く 新聞「産経」

 沖縄の新聞(二紙)を「報道機関を名乗る資格は ない」などとも批判したオノレの言葉が、ブーメランのように元に戻った。



Sankei issues apology, retracts erroneous articles on 'heroic' US Marine in Okinawa
  The Sankei Shimbun newspaper issued an apology on the front page of its Feb. 8 morning edition for having published unconfirmed -- and later discredited -- information regarding a traffic accident involving U.S. Marine Corps personnel in Okinawa Prefecture, and criticizing two main local newspapers for not thoroughly reporting on it.

 In addition, the Sankei retracted articles it published in its Dec. 9 online edition and its Dec. 12 morning edition last year. The Sankei had reported that a U.S. Marine rescued a Japanese civilian who'd been in an accident just before the Marine was run over by a car himself, leaving him in a coma, and that the Ryukyu Shimpo and the Okinawa Times, which did not report on the Marine's "heroic actions," brought "shame to the Japanese people."
 (The Mainichi : 2/8)